

Hillie girls fall

Ava Votto, Eve Barton and Meredith Amirian played strong games for Haverhill but it wasn't enough in a 3-0 loss to Chelmsford.

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Girls Soccer, 09/15/22 » 0 Comments & 0.0 Stars

Gould sharp for Hillies

Haverhill's Max Gould was the medalist at Merrimack Valley Golf Club with a 4-over par round of 38, lifting the Hillies to a 14.5-5.5 win over Methuen.

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Golf, 09/15/22 » 0 Comments & 0.0 Stars

Corcoran tallies six

Brenna Corcoran scored a whopping six goals as Haverhill field hockey topped Dracut 9-4.

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Field Hockey, 09/15/22 » 0 Comments & 0.0 Stars

Stellar story

Jackie Story won the 100 butterfly (1:05.65) and 100 backstroke (1:06.31) and swam on the winning 200 medley and 400 freestyle relay as Haverhill beat Dracut 82-73. Sophia Caruso won the 200 freestyle and 100 freestyle and swam on the 400 freestyle relay.

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Girls Swimming, 09/13/22 » 0 Comments & 0.0 Stars

Hillie straight setter

Haverhill bounced back after a season-opening loss with a 3-0 MVC victory over Methuen. Gabby Burdier had 10 kills while Emme Cerasuolo and Mia Ferrer Valdez both had 17 assists.

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Girls Volleyball, 09/12/22 » 0 Comments & 0.0 Stars

Ramos, Lawrence top Haverhill

Mario Ramos scored a second half goal, off an assist from Brandyn Cardona, to give Lawrence a 1-0 win over Haverhill. David Charco and Kevin Dominguez excelled in the midfield for the Lancers.

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Boys Soccer, 09/08/22 » 0 Comments & 0.0 Stars

Simonds sizzles

Finlegh Simonds turned on the jets and sprinted to victory, giving Haverhill a shot. But the Hillies dropped their girls cross country opener in Lowell, 22-36.

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Girls Cross Country, 09/07/22 » 0 Comments & 0.0 Stars

Simonds sizzles

Finlegh Simonds turned on the jets and sprinted to victory, giving Haverhill a shot. But the Hillies dropped their girls cross country opener in Lowell, 22-36.

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Girls Cross Country, 09/07/22 » 0 Comments & 0.0 Stars

Simonds sizzles

Finlegh Simonds turned on the jets and sprinted to victory, giving Haverhill a shot. But the Hillies dropped their girls cross country opener in Lowell, 22-36.

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Girls Cross Country, 09/07/22 » 0 Comments & 0.0 Stars

Matombo stops 13

Jonathan Matombo dazzled in goal with 13 saves as Haverhill played Tewksbury to a 2-2 tie, in the season debut for both teams. Matt Perez scored both goals for the Hillies.

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Boys Soccer, 09/06/22 » 0 Comments & 0.0 Stars
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