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VIDEO: Andover's Andy Coke chooses Brown

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Friday, November, 25 By David Willis
Staff writer


ANDOVER — Andy Coke's white game jersey, which is barely held together by numerous stitches, shows the battle scars from the past two seasons.

There are several holes, blood stains and colors from most of the opponents' helmets.

The record-setting Andover running back has done plenty to earn a brand new jersey, and Brown University was happy to oblige.

Yesterday, the day after he closed out his high school football career, Coke locked up his football future, officially committing to play his college football at Brown.

"I'm thrilled," said Coke. "It was a hard search, but I feel like I made the right decision. I loved the school and I already feel like I have bonded with the coaching staff. I went to their camp and they liked my highlight film, so they decided to offer me and I accepted."

Coke was in contact with Brown following his All-Scholastic junior season, and fell in love during a trip this summer.

"I brought him down to the school and he loved it right away," said Andover coach E.J. Perry, whose brother James set multiple Brown passing records. "Andy has a plethora of positions he could play, but running back is his passion. I think they will very impressed with the running back they are getting."

The opportunity to play running back, where he has excelled with Andover, proved a key factor in Coke's decision. Other colleges had viewed him as a defensive back or receiver.

In just two years at Andover, he's scored 40 TDs and rushed for 2,995 yards.

"I definitely wanted to run the football," said Coke. "I have always loved offense and that's what I have done my whole life. I wanted the chance to run the ball for Brown."

The 6-foot-1, 205-pounder's decision in recent weeks came down to Brown and Villanova.

"Villanova offered me a full scholarship," said Coke, whose decision was made easier by the substantial financial aid package he received from Brown. "It was a very hard decision. That (scholarship) was tough pass up. I spent a lot of time with my family weighing all my options, and Brown was the right decision."

Coke had long dreamed of going to an Ivy League school and playing football. His grandfather and namesake, Andy Shea, attended Harvard.

"My grandfather always wanted me to go to an Ivy League school," said Coke, who began his career at Brooks. "I am proud to live up to his expectations. I made sure to work very hard on my grades and had to take the SATs a few times. It wasn't easy, but I reached the academic standards.

"I also wanted to be near to my family, who I am close to. I wanted my family to be able to come to all of my home games. Providence isn't too far away."

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